
The presentation can be downloaded below or by visiting this Google Drive.

Monday June 17th    Tuesday June 18th

Monday June 17th
Intro conference: The importance of anti-doping work in society – Jacob Forssmed
Medical consequences of doping and association with criminal actions - Henrik Horwitz
Comparison of the Doping Act in the Nordic countries: Difference between Sports movement’s Anti-Doping Regulations & the Swedish Doping Act - Jessica Wissman
The development of doping in Sweden 1993-2023 - Charlotta Rehnman
Findings of doping substances in wastewater in Sweden - Louise Karlsson, Johan Lindberg
Anabolic steroid and other doping substance use among Finnish prisoners - Jukka Koskelo
Attitudes and doping prevalence among Norwegian youth across exercise activities - Fredrik Lauritzen
Tuesday June 18th
Side effects and experiences of doping with anabolic androgenic steroids in men and women in Sweden - Annica Börjesson
Social consequences of doping in Sweden - Jesper Andreasson
Health economic consequences of anabolic androgenic steroids in Sweden - Joakim Strandberg
Parallell session - Track 1
Illegal doping substances in the mail flow - Linda Nilsson
Seizures of doping substances at the Swedish border - Agnes Johansson
The role of the police in preventing doping - study by STAD - Tobias Elgan
Parallell session - Track 2
Introduction - Supplements, SARMs and doping - Christine Helle
Control of supplements in Sweden - Maria Florin
SARMs – effects, side effects and markets - Tomas Nilsson
SARM study, Karolinska institutet - Lena Ekström
History of Anti-Doping Rule Violations by SARMs in sport - Jenny Schulze
Ordinary program
Anti-doping measures targeting fitness and gym centers: A mapping of practices in the state parties of the anti-doping convention. - Fredrik Lauritzen
SWEDEN: 100% Ren hårdträning (100% pure hard training) - project by STAD - Johanna Gripenberg
SWEDEN: Preventive anti-doping work at Medley - why it is so important for us and for public health - Nils Rådström
FINLAND: Doping prevention in public health: Dopinglinkki and the Clean Exercise Commitment - Mikko Lemetilla
FINLAND: Dopinglinkki - Anonymous health counselling for doping users, their relatives, and multidisciplinary professionals - Jukka Koskelo
DENMARK: Cooperation with fitness centers - project by Anti-Doping Denmark - Kasper Skat Lundgarrd Kroll
NORWAY: Rent Senter (Clean Center) - project by Anti-Doping Norway - Kaja Haugen
NORWAY: Dopingkontakten - anonymous chat service for those who use or are considering the use of doping - Morten Heierdal
NORWAY: Medical care for doping users in Norway - Marie Lindvik Jørstad